Does hypnotherapy work for weight loss?


Many of the people who contact me at my practice in West London about hypnotherapy want to know one thing – ‘does hypnotherapy work?’ One question I get asked a lot is ‘does hypnotherapy work for weight loss?’

Obviously, my answer is ‘yes.’ I would not be offer Rapid Transformational Therapy if it didn’t help. But in my free phone consultation and the hypnotherapy session I ask more questions. Questions that help us to understand what ‘working’ means for the client.

When seeking help with an issue we often look at what is wrong, rather than what is right. But considering how we want our lives to be is more effective. Hypnotherapy isn’t about ‘fixing’ a problem, but about empowering someone to live in the way that they want to.

For example, rather than thinking about whether hypnotherapy can help weight management (a term I prefer to weight loss), it’s important to think about hypnotherapy can support someone to make good choices to live a healthy lifestyle. That might be about eating different foods, or moving their body more. It might be more about having a different relationship to food and movement. One session of hypnotherapy will not make you automatically drop twenty pounds. But it can help you change your attitudes and behaviours so that you can achieve that goal, or whatever goal you have.

Your attitude to food and eating are the most important factors when it comes to weight. Many of these attitudes and beliefs are formed early on, and reaffirmed through life. You might believe that you are only worthy of certain foods, or that a particular body shape is better than another. These beliefs influence how you behave.

That’s where hypnotherapy helps. Under hypnosis, when we are working with the subconscious, you can form fresh perspectives on what, why and how you eat. When you better understand the role of food in your life, you can change it, and that change is what will help with your weight. The goal of hypnotherapy is to readjust how you relate to food and weight.

There is research to support the use of hypnosis for weight loss. Some studies found that people who used hypnosis lost more than twice as much weight as those who dieted without the therapy. A study in International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis found women who underwent hypnosis alongside cognitive behavioral therapy lost weight and improved their eating habits, as well as their body image. A controlled trial on the use of hypnotherapy, as an adjunct to dietary advice in producing weight loss, shows that hypnotherapy helps. Marisa Peer has shared numerous case studies of the value of Rapid Transformational Therapy for weight loss and weight management. You can read here about how I helped this lady find freedom from her food issues.

So, does hypnotherapy work for weight management? Yes. Because hypnotherapy allows you to change your attitudes and beliefs about food and weight, which in turn influences the way you eat and move.

If you would like to know more about using hypnotherapy for weight management and food issues, get in touch.