Exam Confidence


In my work as a life coach for children exams are a frequent topic. Some parents worry about performance, others raise concern about the amount of revision being done. It can be about entrance exams for secondary schools, GCSEs and A levels, or just academic expectations. Regardless, the result is always the same – stress and anxiety for both parent and child.

This has a big impact on the family dynamics, and doesn’t actually help when it comes to the tests.

When children are under pressure, bedtime is more difficult and anxieties surface. They experience spontaneous bursts of emotion and behaviour shifts as the exam approaches. Some children may hide by projecting over-confidence, while others may disengage completely. This can be tiring and stressful for both children and parents.

For everything that we do in life we have a strategy – a way of doing things, a solution to how to do it. Together we will find strategies that help the young person achieve exam confidence, and hopefully, success, whatever that means to them.


I work with young people to manage their worries using maturity and confidence. I support them to rehearse the time before and during the exam in their minds. This helps them anticipate challenges and manage potential problems. I provide them with the skills to dismantle limiting beliefs and develop confidence that they can achieve their goals.

And as always, I give parents the tools to do the same, so that you and your child can work together.

Talk to us

I want to help you to live the life that you want and am committed to a personal approach that works for you. For that reason, I am always happy to speak with you before a session and answer any questions that you have. Please get in touch for your free consultation.

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